Citation - Constitutional Gazette: 1775.10.25

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Index Entry Lyric, topical [beg] We came, we saw, but could not beat 
Location New York 
25 Oct 1775:22 (25)
The present state of a nation which once excited the envy
and admiration of the whole world.
Its King governed by men known to be sworn enemies to his
person and family, as well as to the rights and liberties of
his people-- Its nobility regardless of all public duties,
and lost in a round of dissipation, idleness and
extravagance.--Its gentry bewildered in the same labyrinth; 
poor and needy in the midst of affluence...
  O, Britons! How long will you continue thus when redress
is a ways in your power?
We came, we saw, but could not beat,
And so--we founded a retreat:
On Roxbury Hill again we saw 'em,
And did, like Devils clapper claw 'em,
. . . [8 lines]

Generic Title Constitutional Gazette 
Date 1775.10.25 
Publisher Anderson, John 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1775 
Bibliography B0015460
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